Hi ho, everyone. Well, I’m back from Camp NaNoWriMo, and as the following graphic shows, I managed to scrape together enough words across four…I hesitate to call them ‘stories’ or ‘WIPs’. That feels like a far too generous use of those terms. They’re probably more like word depositories or something. But regardless of what they…
Postcards From Camp: Everybody Pants Now
Hello, all! It’s me again. Your friendly (well, maybe not friendly, per say. Maybe more semi-tolerant, so long as you don’t do anything annoying, or make too much noise, or root for the Yankees, or anything like that…) neighborhood Wrimo, coming at you with another exciting installment of Postcards From Camp. Last week, I talked…
Postcards From Camp: What If?
Well, it’s July, which means that I am back at Camp NaNoWriMo for another thirty days of writing with abandon. Or thirty-one days, I mean, because I totally know and definitely didn’t forget that July has thirty-one days. Anyway, I’ll be writing with abandon this month, for however long it lasts. Or at least pretending…
Postcards From Camp: Evolution of a Storyboard
Well, it’s now May 3rd, which means that the April Camp NaNoWriMo session has come to a close, and this post will be all about my experience. First of all, this happened: I finished off the month with 22,083 words, which just happened to be above my set goal of 20,000 words. I logged an…
Postcards From Camp: It’s a Mystery
It’s Day 12 of this month’s Camp NaNoWriMo challenge. I am either hard at work or hardly working (who can tell?) on finishing the first draft of my Terrible Romance Sequel story. Here’s how it’s going… So, as you may have guessed from the very clever (hopefully working) title, the Terrible Romance Sequel is supposed…