Holy smokes, y’all. When did April get here?
But even more surprising than the fact that it’s now somehow April is the very real truth that I…*checks notes* actually have some progress to report on the writing front?
See, if this were April 1st, you’d all be, “Nice try, MJ, but we know better than to fall for that.” But it’s April 3rd, which naturally means everything you read on the internet is undoubtably true.
But the thing is…this is really true.
I’m not sure how it happened exactly, but I started off 2024 with twenty unfinished scenes in the second draft of Terrible Romance Sequel (probably a working title. Emphasis on probably…), and as you can see in storyboard photo below, I’m down to one.
One lonely, little scene. It’s what I call the Bridge Scene, meaning that it takes place after the story’s climax and helps usher the reader into Resolution Land. There’s usually a bit of a time jump, which usually poses some transition issues for me, but this time the hold-up is originating from some emotional whatever the main character is supposed to feel. The whatever in this case is not related to the romance part of the book but rather one of the other plot lines. This is the scene where that gets wrapped up, but I haven’t figured out how to write it yet. Or, you know, what to call it other than the emotional whatever.
I’m hoping I can figure it out and get the scene/second draft finished before the end of April.
Unfortunately, I have no progress to report on my continuing fantasy series quandary. Or, any progress, really. I spent most of March trying out a new idea for the villain arc, but so far it’s been akin to me just spinning my wheels in the mud.
I don’t know if there’s a right way to tell this story (although every day it feels more and more like there just isn’t), but I sure do know of about a million ways not to tell it.
Which is not demoralizing at all.
Other Notable March Achievements
—Walked a total of 58.34 miles. The number dropped significantly from the previous month because (a) I was not hiking in a national park and (b) because I spent most of the month recovering from some super stubborn respiratory virus (not Covid) and the rib injury I sustained from coughing so much & so hard. Still, the number is actually a little higher than my January numbers, which is not nothing, I guess.
—Read two books. One was Verity by Colleen Hoover (Did not love. Or even like very much. Sorry.). The other was Volume 11 of Spy x Family, my great manga love. I sadly have to wait until August for Volume 12.
—Snuggled with my puppies. Because of course I did. To close out my portion of today’s post, here’s a pic of Snoop Dogg because Charles Edgar Cheeserton III has gotten this spot the last couple of months:
Awesome author Patricia J.L. has a new book—A Quick Test—coming out on April 8th. Check out all the details below…
If you asked Patricia J.L. to describe herself, she’d tell you, “Too creative for my own good.”
A paranormal and fantasy junkee, she loves to craft fantasy and paranormal stories about vampires, mermaids, angels, demons, zombies, and other mythical creatures. Aliens might even appear in her stories. No matter what mythical beast you crave. Patricia J.L. has a fantasy for every imagination.
Patricia J.L. official started writing in 2012. She was bored and since she was always day dreaming fantastic stories, she thought, “Why not write them down and share them with people?” She’s still deciding if that was a mistake or not. Since then, she has finished a dozen stories and has no plans to stop. When she’s not lost writing in fantasy worlds, she relaxes with knitting, drawing and art, and jigsaw puzzles. And of course, good paranormal fantasy books. Patricia J.L. currently lives with her husband in Upper Michigan. One day, they both hope to have enough pets to resemble a petting zoo. (Until then, can she pet your cat or dog?)
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Congrats, Patricia! Wishing you all the best!
What about writing the scene in different ways? In one, the MC feels what they’re supposed to feel. In another, have them feel the opposite. That kind of thing. See if something strikes you.
Hope you’re feeling better!
Congrats to Patricia!
Congratulations to Patricia! Such a cool cover.
You cracked a rib from coughing so hard? Ouch.
Grats to Patricia!
Hey, progress is awesome, and I will celebrate with you. Sorry there wasn’t any on the fantasy front, but I totally know what you mean. I looked back at my book 1 and realized one POV has no stakes. He’s got events that happen, but no particular goal and no consequences if he fails to achieve them. I tried to sit down and figure out what his subplot is supposed to be, and I’m floundering. *sigh* So, I know how you feel. At least you have cute puppies to snuggle with. My guinea pigs are less appreciative of being snuggled.
Yay for so much progress – exciting stuff!!!!
I missed that Patty has a new book – awesome!
Glad you’re feeling on the mend. We had a round of chest infections here – no fun at all.
Give those pups a cuddle for me!
The month never goes how we want it to. But being down to one scene for the great sequel sounds pretty good. Maybe you can focus on getting it done this month and instead get a bunch done on your fantasy series. That’s how it works, right?
All you need to figure out is that one little scene…
Congrats to Patricia.
A rib injury from coughing too hard, you say? That sounds a little too familiar to me at the moment. (I can’t say I have a rib injury, but the rib muscles are very, very sore from really hard coughing and sneezing–the hard sneezing is a today occurrence.)
Woot woot on almost finishing the romance sequel! That is awesome! And maybe that piece of the fantasy doesn’t need to be told? If you’re struggling with it so much, maybe that’s a sign that it’s not a necessary part of the story. Move on and see if it works withoutit.
That’s great progress! And don’t roll your eyes at me, MJ. I’m in the middle of doing all sorts of house stuff (guess who is painting entire walls because she’s too much of a perfectionist?) and all I can manage right now is little progress, but it’s happening and that’s all that matters. So, one scene down matters. =P
And thank you for the book shout out.
Congrats on the great progress and best of luck finding your way into that last scene soon! @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act
One scene left. Way to go!
Yay for Spy x Family.
And congratulations to Patricia. Her collections are always a lot of fun.
what a beautiful display of organization! my messy notebook is embarrassing by comparison with multi-colored inks, arrows pointing here and there, lots of scribbles and stars and inserts, not to mention sidebar notes, tiny writing, and circled sections. It’s a funhouse of writing!
and yay for puppy snuggles =)