Today, I’m going to talk about my goals for the new year. I don’t think I did one of these posts last year. Last year was…I don’t know what last year was, exactly. An exercise in treading water, I guess. Whenever I think of treading water, I always end up thinking about that one episode…
Author: M.J. Fifield
Tapped out, Tapping Out, and a Book Release (Not Mine)
When last I posted, it was November 1st and I was embarking upon my 21st NaNoWriMo session (including Camp events). I had some pretty bold goals, focusing mainly on my top two priority projects: starting & finishing the second draft of the Terrible Romance Sequel and figuring out how the hell to fix the major…
Well, it’s November 1st, which can only mean one thing…I’m living the NaNoWriMo life for the next thirty days. This year’s theme, as you can probably guess from the above graphic, is hodgepodge, which means I’ll be working on a variety of projects, with the intention of moving from one to the next to follow…
(Re)Vision Quest (Also, a Guessing Game)
Happy October, everyone. As you may have guessed from the title of this post (which is not the aforementioned guessing game, by the way), I intend to spend this month reading through and revising the first draft of the Terrible Romance Sequel. I have to say ‘intend’ because I intended to start this right on…
Gradarius Firmus Victoria
I’ve been trying to decide what to write about in today’s post, or even if I should bother writing a post at all, because it’s not like I’ve got a whole lot going on. So I’m going to start talking about what is going on and see where that leads. If anywhere. For all I…