Happy October, everyone.
As you may have guessed from the title of this post (which is not the aforementioned guessing game, by the way), I intend to spend this month reading through and revising the first draft of the Terrible Romance Sequel.
I have to say ‘intend’ because I intended to start this right on October 1st, and it is now October 4th and the only time I’ve even looked at the manuscript was when I took that picture.
In fact, I haven’t looked at the manuscript in three months (which is normal. I always stick a first draft in the metaphorical drawer for at least three months), and I think I’m afraid to look at it again because I’m afraid to find out just how terrible the Terrible Romance Sequel truly is.
As long as I don’t look at it, I can pretend it’s maybe not as terrible as its name would suggest. It can just be this cute, little first draft with some adorable, easy-to-fix plot holes, teeny tiny character arc issues, and maybe some amusing typos sprinkled in to keep it interesting.
But the second I open that binder and start reading this manuscript, I will be faced with the very real possibility that this story is nothing but 103,712 words worth of nonsense. Which is fine. I mean, it’s a first draft, and they’re always messy, and I do understand and accept that, but what worries me more is the distinct possibility that I won’t know how to fix it.
I haven’t had the greatest track record of late with figuring out how to improve broken manuscripts. Just two months ago, I was talking about how I stuck my entire fantasy series in a drawer (for anyone keeping score at home, it’s still there) because installments 3, 3.5, and 4 are…whatever they are. Not working, that’s for sure. Because I currently lack the vision/ability/whatever to make them work.
And now I’m afraid the same thing will happen to/with the Terrible Romance Sequel.
I already know the beginning is going to be not great because of how the story evolved during the creation of the first draft. I remember being rather unimpressed with the ending, and who knows what is waiting for me in between. I don’t know how much of it will be useable. I don’t know how or if I can fix what isn’t.
But the truth remains that I won’t know, either. Until I look.
So I’m going to look. I will. Eventually. Probably.
No. It may make take some time (once a chicken, always a chicken), but I really will look. My beloved goddaughter, after all, is waiting on this book, and I can’t say no to her.
If only she had asked me for a kidney instead…
Anyway, all this brings us to the actual guessing game portion of this post…
How many red pens and blue highlighters will be required to get through this first draft?
Post your guess in the comments below. Whomever is closest without going over (we play by The Price is Right rules (RIP, Bob)) will win a copy of the Terrible Romance Sequel when it’s finally released upon the world. (Please note: That won’t be until 2024 at the earliest. Late 2024. I remain, as always, slower than slow.) If multiple people guess the winning combination, they will be entered into a drawing to determine the winner.
For you more scientific-minded folk out there, here are some stats to help guide you in your guessing:
—4 pens
—3 highlighters
—324,000 words
Terrible Romance Novel Love & Other Lies
—2 pens
—2 highlighters
—95,000 words
Best of luck to everyone who enters!
And, as always, thanks for stopping by today. It’s always appreciated.
Stay safe and well, all.
The Schrodinger’s cat of manuscripts!
I bet you’re going to be pleasantly surprised at the wonderful nuggets that are hiding in there waiting for you!
My guess: 3 pens, 2 highlighters!
It’s funny you mentioned Schrödinger’s Cat—I almost called this post Schrödinger’s Manuscript. 🙂
Thanks for entering my giveaway!
3 pens and 3 highlighters (one of which you will set on fire, like a stick of incense, to fill the room with the scent of inspiration)
Good luck!
That’s what I use the Sharpies for… 😉
Thanks for entering the giveaway!
My guess: 3 pens and 3 highlighters.
I’m excited that it’s coming! I am looking forward to reading it, and i think you’re brilliant.
I think you’re entirely too kind…but thank you. <3
That’s a lot of words for that first one.
One day you’ll realize you’re a much better writer than you think you are.
Yeah, I ended up deleting a lot of words from Second Nature‘s first draft. So many flights of fancy, so little time. 🙂
Sneak up on it. A casual glance at the first page, no big deal. Take a deep breath, read the whole page. Feeling brave? Turn to page two. Etc. You’ve got this! 🙂
Okay, how about two pens and three highlighters, and 97K words. I just think it’s going to be about the same as the previous one. But maybe more highlighting.
Ooooh—look at you, getting all fancy and guessing the word count. If you get that right, I’ll definitely send you a book. 🙂
Like pulling off a Band Aid – just look.
I think I guessed the last time, but I have no idea how close I was (or was not). You’ve got this, by the way. It’s just a matter of starting. As someone who also has trouble starting, I know what you’re going through. Good luck.
I’ll guess 3 pens and 3 highlighters.
Last time, if I remember correctly, three people guessed exactly right. I don’t remember who they were, apart from the winner. Everyone’s such a good sport. I appreciate it. 🙂
Thanks for entering my latest giveaway!
MJ, get off the internet and go look at the story. Tear the band aid off.
Off the Internet? Is that even a thing? 😉
Here’s to hoping you’ll be pleasantly surprised and enjoy your story when you go through it again. (And I totally understand the avoidance as it’s something I do myself.)
I’ll go with 2 pens, 2 highlighters.
I’m guessing two of each. Now get in there and start reading that thing. I promise it won’t be as bad as you think it is now.
Look at the story and edit. Edit again but then stop. If you keep editing, it’ll never be over for you. You are a good writer so trust in your self.