It’s goal post day on the blog. I know it’s hard to contain your excitement over that, but we’re going to have to find a way to keep calm and carry on.
First up, let’s see how I did with October’s goals (spoiler alert: not great…)
—Complete first draft of Full Circle
Yeah. I didn’t do this. I’m pretty much in the exact same spot I was in at the beginning of October. Can’t quite find the right hook for the start of Act III. I keep writing the same scene from different POVs to see if that’s the problem, and it keeps not feeling like the solution, so I think the plot itself isn’t right. Which sucks because I don’t have a Plan B. Or whatever letter this draft happens to be on now. Zeta, probably.
—Read a book
I did this. Technically, I read five books. Sure, they were, like, thirty-page-long graphic novels, but it still counts.
—Walk at least three miles every day
While I didn’t hit three miles every day, I still managed to walk nearly 122 miles, which averages out to almost four miles each day. That’s what we call good enough, kids.
—Win NaNoWriMo 2020
I’m working on the Terrible Romance Sequel this month. As previously stated, I have a concept for this story and not much else, so I have no idea how this month will go. It’s Day Two, and I’m well ahead for the moment, but…yeah. I have a feeling I shall soon be running into a very large and high brick wall that will probably be surrounded by a moat filled with alligators and zombies and zombie alligators and things of that nature.
But I shall enjoy the creative flow while it lasts. I really hope I can make this story work because I’m really kind of loving it right now.
Which probably means I just jinxed things horribly. That, or me actually liking something I’m writing is the final sign of the apocalypse.
Also, for reasons unknown, I also decided to make things more interesting/frustrating by using Scrivener. I heard through the grapevine that I might decide I like it hate it less if I start a brand-new project with it rather than trying to transition in the middle of a current WIP.
We’ll see how it goes. Or for long that whole Scrivener thing lasts (it’s already made it to Day Two, which is about two days longer than I thought it would last…). But the ultimate goal here, of course, is to hit that 50k mark.
If you’re also participating in NaNoWriMo and are looking for some buddies, feel free to add me. My user name is M.J. Fifield (clever, right?).
—Walk at least three miles a day
It is always good to avoid becoming part of one’s couch. Or so I’m told. Fortunately, the fur babies make this goal pretty easy. They like to walk. A lot. So we walk. A lot.

And on that note, I’m outta here. I’ll try to do better the next time.
Stay safe and well, everyone.
Just keep writing. Let it flow as long as you can. And four miles a day is really good.
That’s my plan—to just keep writing as long as I can. I’m totally pantsing this draft, which just feels weird and wrong because it’s been a long time since I haven’t used a guideline of some kind. It’s really a throwback year for me.
Good luck with NaNo! This is the first year in a very long time that I’m not participating. It feels weird, but kind of right for me at this point in time, if that makes sense.
I love your walking goals! My husband and I signed up for a virtual 5k for the end of the year so hopefully that and the cooler weather will get me out and about. 🙂
It does make sense. Though I end up participating more often than I don’t, I have to evaluate whether or not to do it before every session. It doesn’t always work with whatever else is happening.
I’m excited about the cooler weather…though I think that’ll just make the fur babies want to walk even MORE than we already do. 🙂
Good luck with NaNo! If you hit that wall, just stop and move on to the next place you’re excited to write. You can fill in the gap later…
That’s pretty much how I write anything. I jump around to wherever I can fill in some story and hope I can connect it all in a later draft. 🙂
Good luck. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, okay? 🙂
Hmmm. That doesn’t sound like something I would do…Oh wait. Never mind. 😉
Just enjoy the flow while you got it going.
That’s the plan. I am also currently taking bets on just how long the flow will last…
A member of my writing group (now defunct) who was a plotter started pantsing a story for the first time. She found she enjoyed it immensely. It went in a direction she didn’t expect, but what she shared with the group was working really well. It’s a different set of muscles, but by now you should have them. Good luck.
Yeah, for some reason, I tend to pants NaNoWriMo projects. It works for me for those projects. The fantasy books, however, just require more plotting. (You know, so my characters can ignore it later on…)