Hello, all! It’s the day you have long waited for…Goal Post Day.

But before we get to the main event, we’re going to take a look back at April’s goals.
—Participate in and (if possible) win Camp NaNoWriMo
Well, I did this. I both participated in and won April’s Camp session. My goal was set at 25,000 words because I foolishly believed that might be enough words to get me to the end of my WIP, Full Circle (Book 3 of my fantasy series).
Yeah. It wasn’t.
So I’m not feeling particularly like I actually accomplished anything here, but I did technically complete the goal.
—Figure out April’s monthly marketing attempt and, you know, do it
I think I did this. I don’t know if it exactly counts as marketing, but I asked my social media followers to choose a number corresponding to pages in my current WIP (Full Circle), then shared snippets of the scenes on the chosen pages.
Thank you to everyone who helped me out with this experiment, by the way. It’s much appreciated.
—Read a book
I’m not sure, but I think I may have read two. Look at me go!
—Walk at least three miles every day
I slacked off a couple of days, especially toward the end of the month, but my daily average is still decent. I logged nearly 122 miles in April, for an average of just over 4 miles per day.

Now for something completely different…May’s goals!
Sure, they may look pretty much identical to April’s goals, but that’s only because I am really not great at actually completing projects.
—Finish the first draft of Full Circle
Because it STILL isn’t done. And I’m super happy about that. (Narrator: She was, in fact, NOT happy about that.)
—Figure out May’s marketing attempt and, you know, do it
Anyone want to do this one for me? I’m just so tired. And also, I really hate marketing in any form.
—Walk at least three miles a day
Because everything else about my lifestyle is incredibly unhealthy.

How about you? Do you have any goals for the merry month of May?
Thanks for stopping by, all! Stay safe and well!
You might not have finished the story but that’s a lot of words you added. And four miles a day is good!
Thanks, Alex!
Congrats on a successful April!
I slacked off some with the walking. The heat and humidity threw off my routine so I have to come up with a new one. It’s ridiculous because I KNOW this happens every year and yet here I am floundering. Sigh.
Good luck with those May goals!
The heat and humidity threw me off, too. Hence my slacking off. Now I’m trying to shift my schedule to walking earlier in the day & then again before it gets dark. I keep missing the morning walks because it’s morning, and I am so not a morning person.
Sounds like you nailed those April goals! So keep it up and May will be even better.
Fingers crossed!
I’m definitely not doing any marketing for you. But if I ever get a book out, you can do marketing for me. (JK!!!! god that would be the absolute worst)
It’s possible I might be slightly better at promoting someone else’s work. 🙂
So what if 25,000 words wasn’t enough to complete Full Circle. At least now you’re closer. That counts for something. Congrats.
I may be able to look at it like that eventually, but right now, I’m still pretty unhappy with the failure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I do have a goal for May (two actually), one being to finish the last three chapters of the damn WIP I’ve been working on for the last bloody year. That’s the one I really want to complete. Also, if there’s any way I can help with marketing please let me know!
Seriously! And you can return the favor when 🙂
Best of luck with those last three chapters! May you have better luck reaching the end than I have had!!
What do you use to track your miles? My husband got me a FitBit and now it’s addicting to get so many miles.
I have a FitBit—the kind that is wore on a clip on my waistband, rather than on my wrist. That way, I still get credit for steps I take while pushing a cart around a store. And yes, if I’m going to walk around a big box store, then I had better be getting credit for it. 🙂
Hurray for progress on your goals!
My goal for pretty much everything right now is to just survive. I have an incision that’s resisting fully healing and I’m starting PT again this week, and hubby’s job future is still up in the air. Once we get over those humps everything will be fine, but it’s being annoying in how long it’s taking.
Considering everything you have going on, I’d say that’s an excellent goal indeed. Sending you lots or love & support!