Hold on to your hats, cats and kittens. It’s goal post day on My Pet Blog.

First up, however, is a quick review of how I did with last month’s goals…
—Add words to Part III of Full Circle
I did this, actually. I added 6,276 words to the manuscript. I’m not sure whether any of those words are the right ones for the story, but that’s the second draft’s problem.
—Figure out March’s monthly marketing attempt and, you know, do it
I did this, too. I can’t remember what, exactly, I did, which means it was probably super successful, but I did do something because it’s crossed out in my book. Go me!
—Read a damn book
Hahaha! I read two books! I’m on a roll now!
—Walk at least three miles a day
As of the writing of this post, I have walked an average of 3.3 miles each day.

Now for April’s goals…
—Participate in and (if possible) win Camp NaNoWriMo
The first Camp NaNoWriMo session of the year starts on Thursday. After asking my social media buds for their opinion, I am announcing that my goal this month will be to finish the first draft of Full Circle. Somehow, that WIP received 3x the votes over other projects. I wasn’t expecting that, and now I’m feeling a lot of pressure to actually achieve this goal (seriously—people really want to read this book?), but we’ll see what happens.
Because I have no idea how to actually finish this book.
—Figure out April’s monthly marketing attempt and, you know, do it
I really need to try to plan these things out ahead of time. But even just typing that sentence made me want to crawl under my desk.
—Read a book
Let’s see if I can keep the streak alive!
—Walk at least three miles every day
I have nothing to add to this. It’s just a small attempt to inject a little healthiness in my otherwise completely unhealthy lifestyle.

On that note, I’m outta here.
What are your goals for April? Are you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo? (my username is M.J. Fifield, if you’re looking for some buddies…)
Stay safe & well, all.
They all sound like very achievable goals. And good luck with Camp NaNo. I won’t be joining you because I’m just at the very beginning of revising my November NaNo book and want to get through that before I attempt to write something new.
I haven’t even looked at my November NaNo book yet. As soon as I finish (if I finish) Book 3, though, it’ll become my main focus. Best of luck with your revisions!!
Isn’t it great when you don’t have to worry about something because it’s future you’s problem?
It is pretty great. I doubt Future Me would see it that way, but again…that’s her problem. 🙂
Good luck. I say rereading a book counts as reading, so maybe that’ll help on the reading front? I’m not doing anything challenging in April as I’ll be busy with the day job.
If March had a butt, you’d have kicked it! 🙂
Hmm, seeing as it’s the beginning of April already, I better figure out what I’m going to do this month. How can a month sneak up on a person?! Sheesh!
Good luck with Camp NaNo!
Go you!!! Well done.
I guess I should decide if I’m doing NaNo or not – that draft needs to be finished so maybe I’ll see you there 🙂
Good luck!
Good luck with your goals. I’m still toying with joining Camp Nano given the slump I’m in.