It’s the first Wednesday of the month, which means it’s time for another action-packed installment of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group!
(For more information and/or a complete list of participants, please click on the above link)
This month’s awesome co-hosts are Erika Beebe, PJ Colando, Tonja Drecker, Sadria Stone, and Cathrina Constantine!
This month’s (optional) question asks, “Have any of your readers ever responded to your writing in a way you didn’t expect? If so, did it surprise you?”
Frankly, any time any reader responds in any way to anything I wrote, I’m surprised. Because I am nothing more than a collection of anxiety, neuroses, and a severe lack of self-confidence & esteem stuffed into a trench coat pretending to be an actual person. You think that might be hyperbole, but yeah…it isn’t.
But I don’t want to dwell on that today. I mean, I dwell on that every damn day, but I don’t want to do it in this post. I’m in a mood (not the good kind, either, in case that was unclear) so instead I’m going to share some writing-related funny things that I’ve come across on the inter-webs when I was definitely not procrastinating on other things.
Some may contain naughty words. Consider yourselves warned.
And thanks for stopping by. I’ll try to be in less of a mood next time…
Chuck Wendig’s brain is marvellous!
Love the memes – that last graph is pretty spot on for me. Imposter syndrome is a huge struggle over here!
If you need anything, let me know!
That last one gave me a good chuckle.
Chaos Reigns!!! LOL…I was laughing so hard through these because may resemble a few of them. “How dare you?” – still chuckling over that one because I cleaned out a closet yesterday instead of writing.
And I really the last graph.
Sorry to hear you’re in a mood, but thanks for sharing the funnies! Ah writing. It’s worst love-hate relationship I’ve experienced.
Oh I’m really good at sorting things when I should be doing something writerly.
Isn’t it funny how much cleaner the house gets the closer you get to the end of a writing project?
I’ve seen a few of those memes floating on Twitter and they are so true it hurts at times. LOL
I think I’m currently in the “fuck it, let’s just see what people think” phase.
Ah, so true. So many writers on Twitter not writing. Some good things come out of that. (Sorry you’re in a mood. I hope not for much longer.)
LOL. Some spot-on descriptions of my writing process right there. @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act
Every single one of those! Brilliant! And I also really felt this: “…I am nothing more than a collection of anxiety, neuroses, and a severe lack of self-confidence & esteem stuffed into a trench coat pretending to be an actual person.”
Hope you feel better soon.
Oh the procrastination! And to what purpose??? Delay what I’ve been wanting to do all day while at work? And now I’m finally in front of my screen and I’m clicking on dance videos? Why? I wish I knew *sigh*
i need to come here more often — you always lift my spirits!
ps – how are those may goals going? (me too)
Tara Tyler Talks
The “How dare you” one makes me chuckle. 😀