Welp. It’s November 2nd, which means that I am once again living the NaNoWriMo life. Some of you may be saying, “But, M.J.,…I read your last post, and you were being all not overly dramatic about your creativity being dead and buried in the garden. What gives?” Well, I’ll tell you. Although I’m still pretty…
Category: Writing
Sender’s Remorse and Other Complications
So, last month, I was one part of one scene away from finishing up my revisions on Full Circle and sending the manuscript to the betas. I thought for sure I would find a way to either not finish that scene and/or find new, exciting ways to procrastinate on sending out the manuscript, but I…
Editing Update: Missed It By That Much
When last we met, I was embarking upon another action-packed installment of Camp NaNoWriMo with an official goal of editing 50,000 words but an actual goal of just getting through the 33 pages of editing notes covering 27 chapters in my current WIP, Full Circle. Because I didn’t care how many words it took, I…
Editing Update: Get It Done
Well, it’s July 6th, which means I am technically back at Camp NaNoWriMo for the second summer session. (I’m the ML for my region, so I sign up for every event.) This is my favorite kind of camping, because it doesn’t actually involve me leaving the house and/or sleeping on the ground in the woods,…
Editing Update: 44 Pages
Note: This post is part of an on-going (and possibly never-ending…) series. To read the earlier installments, click on the following links: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four. All right, so I feel like I should start off by explaining a little about my editing/revision “process” (yes, I felt the need to put…