It’s the first Wednesday of the month (at least I think it is, but honestly, I haven’t really known what day/week/month it is for a while now, so I could be wrong) which means it’s time for another action-packed (possibly rant-packed. Like, I’d like to rant, but I’ll probably lose that impulse by the time…
Category: Writing
Insert Goals Here
Well, against all odds, it seems, we have made it to May. I’m not sure I had actually planned on making it this far into this year because I’m having a hard time figuring out my goals for the month. But I’m going to start with a recap of last month’s goals. Maybe I’ll figure…
It’s the beginning of a new month, which means it’s time for another action-packed installment of…Goal Post Monday. First up, a recap at last month’s goals… March Goals —Work out the timeline for Part Two of Full Circle Welp. At the start of March, I thought I’d have to do another major word purge in…
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same (An IWSG Post)
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, which means it’s time for another action-packed installment of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! (I’m assuming that anyone reading is post is already well-versed in the IWSG, but if you’re on the prowl for additional information and/or a complete list of participants, please click on the above link.)…
March Madness
It’s Goal Post Monday, which means it’s time for a look back at last month’s goals and a brand new list of goals for the current month. Sure, those goals may end up looking completely identical to last month’s goals, but the important thing is that at least I’m…consistent? February Goals —Write a first draft…